词型变化:名词复数形式 : rain clouds

rain cloud的用法和样例:


  1. As the storm moves further north, its strong southern rainbands will bring heavy rain and squalls to Hong Kong.随著风暴北移,它南面紧密的雨云带将为本港带来大雨和狂风。
  2. Enclosed between the Pacific and the high mountain range of the Andes, the Nazca pampa is often veiled in mist.But the rain clouds pass it by.纳斯卡草原被太平洋和高耸的安第斯山脉所包围,经常云雾缭绕,但雨云却不在这里停留。

UNIT 2 Days and Months 日和月 Lesson 12 Rain and Sun 雨和太阳 1.What is it?这是什么? This is the sun.这是太阳. The sun is hot.太阳很热. This is cloud and rain.这是一片云和雨. The cloud is above.云在上面. The rain is belo

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和雨有关: Save for a rainy day 未雨绸缪 例句:We save money for a rainy day. It never rains but it pours 不雨则以,一雨惊人 例句:I just got sacked and my wife left me!So it never rains but it pours! right as rain 身体健

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Should I be doing something? 需要我做点什么吗? Nope. Just be normal. 不用。和平常一样就好。 Hey, hey, look to the sky, the sun is bright, there's not a cloud in view. 嘿,嘿,看天上。太阳当空照,云朵无踪影。 N

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